La décarbonation du système électrique américain d’ici 2035 : une tâche...

Aux États-Unis, l'intensité carbone de la production électrique a chuté de 25% entre 2008 (517 g d' équivalent CO 2 par kWh) et 2019...

Enabling the Connected Energy Customer Through Cloud and Voice Services

For more than a century, electric utilities have focused on the sale of a single commodity. Theproliferation of distributed energy resources, advanced analytics and...

Harnessing Artificial Intelligence to Accelerate the Energy Transition

The efforts to decarbonize the global energy system are leading to an increasingly integrated and electrified energy system, with much more interaction...

Sixth Assessment Report – IPCC

This Synthesis Report (SYR) of the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) summarises the state of knowledge of climate change, its widespread impacts...

Blockchain in the integrated energy transition

The use of blockchain in specific fields of application in the energy industry can represent added value for companies from an economic, technological and...

The Case for Drones in Energy

The word “drone” is no longer synonymous with “futuristic.” Since the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) passed Part 107–regulation which opened the door for large-scale,...

The changing role of hydropower: Challenges and opportunities – IRENA

Hydropower is an important component of power systems worldwide. It is the largest source of renewable electricity and can enables a higher penetration of...

Geopolitics of the Energy Transformation – The Hydrogen Factor

The accelerating deployment of renewables has set in motion a global energy transformation with farreaching geopolitical implications. The report “A New World”,...

City level clean and just energy transition – World Energy Council

In May 2022, the Aberdeen Clean and Just Energy Transition project was established in collaboration with the World Energy Council, bp and...

European Market Monitor on Energy Storage (EMMES) report

Delta-ee is working in partnership with EASE, and has recently published the second edition of the European Market Monitor on Energy Storage (EMMES) ....