Auswirkungen einer starken Elektrifizierung und eines massiven Ausbaus der Stromproduktion...

Das Energiesystem der Schweiz wandelt sich auf dem Weg in Richtung des Netto-Null-Emissionsziels bis 2050. Dieser Wandel ist technisch möglich und wirtschaftlich...

Renewable energy targets in 2022: A guide to design

Recent geopolitical and climate-related developments reiterate the need for immediate action to increase ambition for renewable energy deployment to achieve climate goals,...

dena – Status and Perspectives of Renewable Energy Development in the...

Die Region der United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) umfasst 56 Länder in Europa, Nordamerika und Asien. Ihre Energiesysteme sind durch Unterschiede in...

Beschaffungsstrategien für grünen Strom

Ein Leitfaden zur Beschaffung von grünem Strom für Stromabnehmer aus Industrie und Gewerbe Das politische Ziel der Klimaneutralität bis...

Long term energy transformation pathways – ETHZürich

Integrated Scenario Analysis with the Swiss TIMESenergy systems model Key Messages Achieving the Swiss energy...

The Breakthrough Agenda Report 2022

The Breakthrough Agenda Report 2022 is a new report by the International Energy Agency (IEA), the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) and the UN...

Bioenergy for the Transition: Ensuring Sustainability and Overcoming Barriers – IRENA

Bioenergy currently accounts for two-thirds of all renewable energy consumption worldwide, including renewable electricity and renewables for heating, cooling and transport. Half of this...

Climate risk and response – McKinsey Global Institute

After more than 10,000 years of relative stability—the full span of human civilization—the Earth’s climate is changing. As average temperatures rise, acute...

Global Energy Perspective 2022 – McKinsey & Company

The Global Energy Perspective is developed by Energy Insights in collaboration with McKinsey Sustainability and the Global Energy and Materials and Advanced...

World Energy Transitions Outlook: 1.5°C Pathway

In Paris in 2015, signatories to the United Nations Convention on Climate Change agreed to pursue efforts to try to limit the rise in...