Smart grids : les pôles de compétitivité français créent une nouvelle...

Les pôles de compétitivité français dédiés au secteur de l’énergie vont entamer en fin d’année leur phase 4.0 : pour amorcer cette nouvelle étape,...

The new rules of competition in energy storage

The costs of energy-storage systems are dropping too fast for inefficient players to hide. The winners in this market will be those that aggressively...

Digitalization of power generation in times of transition

Digitalization holds great promise for the power generation industry. However, a range of internal and market challenges can constrain its effective uptake and implementation...

DEPsys ouvre la voie en Allemagne

La scale-up vaudoise DEPsys vient d’annoncer sa première installation en Allemagne avec Energieversorgung Oelde. Avec le plus grand parc photovoltaïque installé en Europe, ce...

Swiss Energy Startup Map is out

Note : We recognise this new initiative, launched last year by CleantechAlps, which completes the start-up landscape and reinforces the "Swiss portal for cleantech start-ups". This...

Bringing (solar) power to the people

Solar home systems can help to bridge the electrification gap in developing countries—if certain conditions are met. About a billion people have no access...

Blockchain could be the missing link in the renewable energy revolution

Joined up: Blockchain can help to balance energy supply and demand Our Impact An estimated €231 billion is spent annually on energy efficiency (EE)...

Pivot Power to work with National Grid to future-proof energy system...

World first 2GW network of batteries and rapid charging stations planned Pivot Power today unveiled plans to build a world-first 2GW network of grid-scale...

5 ways energy companies can protect themselves from cyberattacks

Last month, a prominent technology company serving the energy industry suffered a significant cyberattack that had everyone from Bloomberg to the U.S. government debating...

Why blockchain solutions will drive the evolution of energy and electricity

The benefits of adopting blockchain technology are both understated and over-hyped. Blockchain has its strongest impact in areas where it can affect how a...