The Digitalisation of The Customer Relationship: A chance for the energy industry

The age of the digital energy customer is upon us, those who won’t embrace it will find it increasingly hard to compete Providing insights into energy consumption will be a key element of the digitalisation of the customer relationship. It will also be a must have for ‘new energy’ offers like microgeneration, EVs, energy-as-a-service, peer-to-peer trading etc. Smart meter data is becoming a new asset for energy suppliers – at scale it will be involved in most strategic decisions related to customers and operational efficiencies Understanding customer behaviours – beyond the data – will be immensely important to evaluate how to engage with them.

The current transformation of the energy system, from old to new energy, from commodity sales to service-based offerings, will put the customer at the heart of everything. Energy companies will need to adapt rapidly if they don’t want to fall behind.